Let's face it: finding gift ideas for men can be tough. Valentine's Day, you're thinking chocolates or his favorite beverage. His birthday, a cake of course, and - a tie? Gets old, seems kinda lame. A movie, a concert? Nice, but... Why not really surprise him? You take good care of your skin. Why not help your favorite guy do the same with a gift of men's skin care products, or maybe even a cosmetic dermatology treatment? Men are catching on to the idea that it's a part of good grooming to take care of their skin. Maybe you've seen a bottle or tube of "product" lurking around the bathroom! But, you should know that men's skin is different from women's, and that means extra attention when choosing men's skin care products. On average, a man's skin is about 25% thicker than a women's, and twice as oily. His skin oil is denser and more complex, due to the presence of testosterone. This means cleansing is key - and proper cleansing agents are really important to remove impurities. Here's the paradox. Even though it's thicker, male skin tends to be more sensitive, because it generally undergoes a daily exfoliation process: shaving.
Shaving reduces the skin's natural layer of protection, increasing its fragility and producing dryness. Harsh bar soaps and alcohol-based colognes and aftershaves are just too drying.
Here's where contacting a cosmetic dermatologist really makes sense. Choosing medical grade skin care products does more than just ensure efficacy. The delivery system of these products allows for deeper penetration of the active ingredients into damaged skin. Ask for cleansers and moisturizers designed for male skin, including those with vitamin C and other nutrients.

Here's where contacting a cosmetic dermatologist really makes sense. Choosing medical grade skin care products does more than just ensure efficacy. The delivery system of these products allows for deeper penetration of the active ingredients into damaged skin. Ask for cleansers and moisturizers designed for male skin, including those with vitamin C and other nutrients.